East Broadway Compost Drop-Off | LES Ecology Center

Sep 5, 2022
Drop Off Opportunity

About East Broadway Compost Drop-Off

Welcome to the East Broadway Compost Drop-Off page at LES Ecology Center. We are dedicated to promoting sustainable practices in New York City's Lower East Side neighborhood. Our compost drop-off program is an essential part of our commitment to reducing waste and creating nutrient-rich compost for the community.

Compost Drop-Off Hours

Our compost drop-off site at East Broadway is open from Mondays to Fridays, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Whether you're a resident or a business owner in the area, we encourage you to participate in our composting initiative. Bring your food scraps, yard waste, and other organic materials to our drop-off location, and we'll take care of the rest.

The Composting Process

At LES Ecology Center, we follow a rigorous composting process to ensure the production of high-quality compost. Once the organic materials are collected, they undergo a series of steps, including shredding, mixing, and temperature monitoring, to facilitate decomposition and kill any potential pathogens. The compost is then left to cure and mature before being distributed to local community gardens and urban farms.

Getting Involved

Interested in joining us at our East Broadway Compost Drop-Off site? Here are some ways you can get involved:

  • Volunteer: Help us manage the drop-off site and assist with composting operations. Volunteering is a great way to learn about sustainable practices and connect with like-minded individuals in the community.
  • Spread the Word: Share the benefits of composting with your friends, family, and neighbors. The more people involved, the greater impact we can make in reducing waste and promoting a greener environment.
  • Attend Workshops: Stay up-to-date with the latest composting techniques and practices by joining our workshops and educational events. Learn how to start your own composting system at home or in your business.

Why Choose Our Compost Drop-Off

There are several reasons why our East Broadway Compost Drop-Off program stands out:

Convenience and Accessibility

We strive to make composting as convenient and accessible as possible. Our drop-off location on East Broadway is easily accessible to both residents and businesses in the area, allowing for seamless participation.

Expertise and Guidance

When you drop off your compost at our site, you can be confident that it's in good hands. Our team of experienced composting experts is available to provide guidance, answer any questions, and ensure the process runs smoothly.

Community Impact

By participating in our compost drop-off program, you are contributing to a sustainable and thriving community. The compost produced from your organic waste returns valuable nutrients to the soil, enriching local gardens and supporting urban agriculture initiatives.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our East Broadway Compost Drop-Off program, feel free to reach out to us. We're here to assist you on your composting journey.

Note: Please check our website or contact us directly for any potential changes in drop-off hours or additional information regarding the composting process.

Megan Roche
Great initiative! ♻️🌱
Oct 14, 2023