Our Book & Film Picks 2020

May 19, 2020
Learning Opportunities


Welcome to Chirag International's book and film recommendations for 2020! Whether you are a marketing and advertising professional or a curious consumer, we have carefully curated a list of the best books and films for you to explore. Our comprehensive selection will provide valuable insights, inspiration, and entertainment to enhance your knowledge in the exciting world of marketing and advertising.

1. The Power of Branding: Building Successful Businesses

In this highly competitive business landscape, branding plays a crucial role in driving success. "The Power of Branding: Building Successful Businesses" is a must-read for anyone looking to understand the importance of branding and how to effectively build and maintain a strong brand identity. This insightful book delves into the strategies used by successful companies and provides practical tips and case studies to help you elevate your brand positioning.

2. Digital Marketing Revolution: Strategies for Success

With the digital era transforming the marketing landscape, staying up-to-date with the latest digital marketing strategies is essential. "Digital Marketing Revolution: Strategies for Success" offers a comprehensive guide on navigating through the digital realm, from social media marketing to search engine optimization. This book equips you with the knowledge and tools to create impactful digital marketing campaigns that yield measurable results.

3. Consumer Behavior Unveiled: Insights for Effective Advertising

Understanding consumer behavior is at the core of successful advertising. "Consumer Behavior Unveiled: Insights for Effective Advertising" unravels the intricacies of consumer psychology and how it influences purchasing decisions. This insightful book provides valuable research findings and practical strategies to help marketers create compelling ad campaigns that resonate with target audiences.

4. The Art of Storytelling: Engaging Marketing Strategies

Effective storytelling has the power to captivate audiences and leave a lasting impression. "The Art of Storytelling: Engaging Marketing Strategies" explores the art and science behind crafting compelling narratives to connect with consumers on a deeper level. Drawing inspiration from successful marketing campaigns, this book offers practical techniques to help you engage, inspire, and influence your audience through the power of storytelling.

5. Lights, Camera, Action: The Rise of Video Marketing

Video marketing has become an increasingly important tool in the digital marketing arsenal. "Lights, Camera, Action: The Rise of Video Marketing" dives into the world of video content creation and distribution, providing insights on leveraging this dynamic medium to attract and engage consumers. Packed with expert advice and real-world examples, this book will help you harness the power of video marketing to drive brand awareness and boost conversions.

6. Captivating Films That Burst With Marketing Inspiration

Looking for some marketing inspiration in the form of films? We've got you covered! Our collection of captivating films with thought-provoking marketing themes will not only entertain but also provide valuable insights. From classics like "Mad Men" to contemporary documentaries like "The Social Dilemma," these films offer a unique perspective on the marketing and advertising industry, shedding light on its evolution and its impact on society.


At Chirag International, we are committed to bringing you the best book and film recommendations to fuel your passion for marketing and advertising. Our carefully curated list covers a range of topics, from branding and digital marketing to consumer behavior and the power of storytelling. Stay ahead of the curve and gain a competitive edge with our top picks for 2020. Explore these resources to expand your knowledge, spark creativity, and propel your marketing efforts to new heights!

Disclaimer: The views expressed in the recommended books and films are solely those of the respective authors, directors, and producers, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Chirag International.

Carrie Adcock
Great suggestions for 2020!
Oct 13, 2023