6 Thanksgiving Science Activities for Students to Try Around the Holiday Table

Nov 21, 2021
Kiddie Science


Are you searching for creative and educational ways to keep your students engaged during Thanksgiving? Look no further! At Chirag International, we understand the importance of combining fun and learning. That's why we have compiled a list of 6 Thanksgiving science activities that will not only entertain your students but also provide them with valuable insights into the scientific concepts behind the holiday. Let's dive in!

1. Pumpkin Volcano

One of the most iconic symbols of Thanksgiving is the pumpkin. Turn this festive fruit into a hands-on science experiment by creating a pumpkin volcano! Gather a small carving pumpkin, baking soda, vinegar, dish soap, and food coloring. Cut off the top of the pumpkin and remove the insides. Mix baking soda, vinegar, dish soap, and a few drops of food coloring in a separate container. Pour the mixture into the pumpkin, sit back, and watch as the chemical reaction causes your pumpkin to erupt like a volcano!

2. Cranberry Science

Cranberries are a staple of Thanksgiving, and they can also be used to explore the wonders of science. Fill a clear container with water and drop a few cranberries in. Observe how they float at first, then watch as they begin to bounce and dance due to the release of gases trapped inside. This simple experiment demonstrates the principles of density and gas production, making it a fascinating way to engage students in the scientific process.

3. Turkey Feathers Static Electricity

Static electricity can be a captivating subject for students, especially when combined with the colorful feathers of a Thanksgiving turkey! Inflate a balloon and rub it against various materials, such as wool or hair, to create a static charge. Then, hold the balloon above a pile of turkey feathers and watch as they are magically attracted to the balloon. This experiment not only sparks curiosity but also teaches students about positive and negative charges.

4. Cornstalk Sound Waves

Discover the fascinating connection between sound waves and cornstalks with this unique experiment. Attach a string to a dried cornstalk and place your ear against the other end of the string. Have a student gently tap the cornstalk with a spoon, and listen as the sound travels through the string, allowing you to hear the vibrations more clearly. This activity introduces students to the concept of sound transmission and the role of vibrations.

5. Apple Oxidation

What happens to an apple when it is exposed to oxygen? Explore the process of oxidation with this straightforward experiment. Cut an apple into slices and leave one slice exposed to the air while covering the others. Observe how the exposed slice starts to turn brown due to the oxidation of the apple's enzymes. This activity not only teaches students about chemical reactions but also showcases the importance of antioxidants in preventing oxidation.

6. Leaf Chromatography

As Thanksgiving falls during the beautiful transition of seasons, why not explore the vibrant colors of autumn leaves through chromatography? Collect a variety of different leaves from outdoors, then separate their pigments using rubbing alcohol and coffee filters. Watch as the colors separate and spread across the filter, revealing the unique pigments present in each leaf. This experiment allows students to delve into the world of chemistry and explore the fascinating properties of plant pigments.


We hope you find these 6 Thanksgiving science activities both enjoyable and educational for your students. By incorporating hands-on experiments into your holiday festivities, you can spark a love for science and engage your students in a memorable way. Don't forget to download our free activity guide for detailed instructions on each experiment. Happy Thanksgiving from Chirag International!

Jamie Duguid
Love these!
Nov 8, 2023